Using an active crossover in a sound system delivers superior audio quality compared to passive alternatives, as it separates bass from high frequencies, significantly enhancing overall system performance.
The Q Audio QXOVER23 is a versatile stereo 2-way or mono 3-way active crossover, positioned between the mixer and amplifier, typically connected by balanced line-level cables. Incoming signals are divided into precise frequency bands using Linkwitz-Riley filters, offering excellent speaker driver protection with their steep 24dB/octave slope. Additional protection is provided by 25Hz low-cut filters, which remove inaudible, high-energy bass content.
This unit also features an independently adjustable subwoofer output, allowing control over an additional low-frequency band within a range of 10-235Hz, effectively making it a 3-way stereo or 4-way mono crossover. Mute and phase-invert switches on all outputs simplify troubleshooting. Compared to digital loudspeaker management systems, the QXOVER23 offers not only a cost-effective solution but also greater ease of use and a full 20dB of signal headroom unique to analogue processing.